Fort Napoleon - Vuurtorenweg 13 , 8400 Oostende
Opening hours

From 12/11 to 31/03: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
From 01/04 to 11/11: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Closed on Mondays, except during Flemish school holidays and on holidays.
The house is also closed on 01/01 and 25/12.


Standard admission: €11

Groups of 10 or more people: €9

School groups 6 - 12 years: €5

School groups + 12 years: €6

Grote kunst voor Kleine Kenners

"Great Art for Little Connoisseurs" is a book series and concept by Thaïs Vanderheyden. She introduces children to the greatest masterpieces of the art world in a humorous and approachable manner.

As part of the Ensor year, Thaïs reimagined some iconic works of this colorful artist and created junior parodies of them. Alongside these amusing versions, reproductions of the original works are, of course, displayed, and anecdotal stories are told about Ensor's body of work, the artist himself, the subjects, or the style.

In this lively exhibition, Arno, the hermit crab, takes you on a time-travel journey through the colorful life of this fantastic artist! With an audio guide, you'll discover all the small and big stories about Ensor. Then, you'll go on a quest to find Ensor's mysterious masks, as many are hidden within the settings of his life. Will you join the search? Get ready, as there are quite a few of them!

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