Mu.ZEE Oostende - Romestraat 11 , 8400 Oostende
Opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00 AM to 5.30 PM.


Standard admission: €15

Groups of 10 people or more: €10

Rose, Rose, Rose, à mes yeux! James Ensor and Still Life in Belgium 1830-1930 is the first exhibition ever devoted entirely to Ensor's still lifes. The exhibition traces the evolution within Ensor's oeuvre and within the history of still life in Belgium.

In Ensor's oeuvre, still life plays an important role. The quality and significance of his intriguing, complex still lifes become clear when situated within the development of this genre in Belgium from 1830 to 1930. Ensor's work represents the tipping point where the bourgeois show-off loses its credibility, the painter breaks away from the conventions of the genre, and the image dissolves into light and colour.

With about 150 works, the exhibition offers an overview of the 19th-century, academic, decorative tradition from Antoine Wiertz to Frans Mortelmans, with many forgotten but highly skilled and in their time very successful painters such as Jean Robie, Hubert Bellis.

Some 50 works by Ensor from public and private collections from home and abroad, are placed alongside a hundred or so mostly unknown, rarely or never publicly shown still lifes illustrating the development of the visual genre in Belgium.

Curators: Bart Verschaffel and Sabine Taevernier

Ontdek Rose, Rose, Rose à mes yeux!